Most citizens are not doing even primary segregation. Some of them were doing segregation earlier but discontinued since BBMP personnel were seen mixing the segregated waste while collecting!
Only handcarts are coming for collection though auto's are designated. Both handcart and the auto does not come on fixed time.
BBMP personnel themselves do not insist on segregation and collect the waste in whatever form without any initiative to teach/ provide awareness or an inch of protest Unnoticed black spots of regular dumping on roadside at night by both residents & passerby.
The auto or the handcart do not have separators to dump segregated waste.
The auto and handcart do not have a parking place before going to the designated central processing site.
Whenever there is a construction/ renovation, some of the residents leave the construction rubble on the road with complete disregard to public safety.
Unreliable auto's, most of the time down with repair or waiting for spares. Poor awareness and knowledge imparted to auto driver/ pourakarmikas
The ever increasing population, Booming economy, Rapid urbanization
The rise in community living standards have greatly accelerated the municipal solid waste generation rate in Bangalore. Bangalore, a city of 10 million, produces some 4,000 metric tonnes of waste daily. Nearly a fourth of this is plastic waste. Total waste could get capped at 20 per cent of the current quantity if measures are taken to segregate and correctly dispose at the waste generation point.
Installing GPS in BBMP Waste collection vehicles.
Routing best routes for all door to door collections.
Timely efficient.
Strategic routing.
Organizing types of waste.
Integrated Sustainable Waste Management: ISWM allows studies of the complex and multi dimensional systems in an integral way. The model was developed by WASTE advisers on urban environment and development and partners or organizations working in ever developing Bangalore and further developed by the Collaborative Working Group (CWG) on solid waste management